The Importance of Obedience

1 Kings 8:61
"And may your hearts be fully committed to the LORD our God, to live by his decrees and obey his commands, as at this time.”
What Can We Learn From Abigail?
Abigail was facing a very scary and stressful situation. David, with an army of hundreds, was coming to destroy her household. Therefore, the lives of many rested on her shoulders.
We can imagine how stressful it was to quickly gather supplies for hundreds of men and rush out to intercept them. Also, having to face an entire army and convince them not to destroy your household was dangerous as a women. David could have killed her as soon as he saw her.
Despite the intensity of the situation, and not knowing the outcome, Abigail was obedient in what the Lord had commanded. Not only did she save the lives of many, but also was blessed with a marriage with a man who respected and treated her well.
Here are 2 ways to practice Daily Obedience
1. Prayer- Ask God to give you the strength to obey His commands despite how scary or uncomfortable they may be. God knows we are human and understands our struggles, but he also knows the outcome of our situation and what will happen if you are obedient. God loves us, protects us, and will never abandon us. Daily prayer will give you the mentality of understanding that trusting God and following what He tells us will only lead to growth and blessings. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
2. Commitment- How committed your relationship with Christ is, is important in obedience. If you are not spending time with God you may not recognize when He commands you to do something. Therefore you may be obedient to something God didn't say or disobedient to something that God did say. By spending time with God, you get to know Him better and recognize His voice. Matthew 6:33
Check out our Bible Study on The Importance of Obedience
Obedience is a difficult thing to do. Sometimes we are called to do scary and uncomfortable things and we are not always sure of outcome. It's important that we don't let lack of faith be an obstacle in us receiving the blessings that obedience to God presents. Daily prayer and commitment help to grow your relationship with Christ lead to subsequent obedience to receive the blessings God has called you to have.
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This is so encouraging. Will be tuning in for bible study in that I do not work (night shift L&D nurse)
I think this is something alot of us struggle with in life…being obedient
A beautiful and important message truly!
When we are obedient to Jesus… our life is a lot smoother!
Janika Toribio
Abigail’s obedience and quick thinking came with a Blessing. There’s always something better waiting after a testing time.
I love how Jesus and God is recognized by this I love how there is Christian everything with blogs oo like this
Susan O
Love this message.Adopting God way of thinking is a process.
Gloria Brown
I love that you are a Christian. I appreciate the bible verses you put up. Obedience is the number one rule we must try to follow. Easier said than done but being fully obedient to Jesus Christ will save us a lot of pain and heartache. Thank you very much for your work.
Listening to this message is exactly what I needed right now and I know I haven’t been obedient but knowing what Abigail went through I know that was hard and I know I can be obedient too.
Mary Williams
Talking about obedience is easier said than done & for me it’s cutting out distractions to hear God and really give him my time
Pamella Guillaume
Talking about obedience is easier said than done & for me it’s cutting out distractions to hear God and really give him my time
Pamella Guillaume
Juliana James
There’s this wonderful quote I love, ’ you never know what on the other side of your obedience. ’
Fisokuhle Khoza
This message it beautiful.
Obedience is a lot better than sacrifice. I’ve learned that through the course of my life. People have free will. They can choose to obey or not. This includes man’s laws and God’s laws. If people don’t obey man’s laws there may be consequences. This is the same for God’s laws. I believe God can chastise us in ways that man cannot. Being obedient isn’t easy, but that’s why we can ask God for help. The blessing(s) we receive when we are faithful are AH-MAZING!
Lindsey F.
This is beautiful and very helpful! It’s so easy for us to want to stay in our comfort zone, but God pushes us to do more and be more. We can’t always see what will come of our obedience, but choosing to still follow God’s plan is the best decision because he only wants the best for us.
Shakayla M
Obedience is something I am struggling with right now. It’s not that I don’t want to be obedient, I just really need to let go my old way of thinking and adopt God’s way of thinking. Asking God for help in obedience is also something a lot of us have trouble doing due to not feeling worthy enough, good enough or even because a fear of rejection. I thank you for your article. It is confirmation that this is something I need to go directly to God in the secret place about. Thank you, again.
Dawnyea Bennett
I love how you combine your faith with your business! You are giving a word and what looks to be an awesome natural hair product. I see your growth and pray your business is a very prosperous one. I don’t see other businesses doing what you’re doing. Keep up the great work Brittany!
Karesha Myrick
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