Surrounding Yourself With Good Company
Let's talk about good company.
Who you surround yourself with in life can make or break your walk with Christ. As much as we do not like to admit it, the people in our lives are very influential when it comes to what we think, believe, and how we act. Therefore, it is important to surround yourself with people whose influence brings you closer to Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV):
"Bad company corrupts good character"
Why is it important to surround yourself with good company?
1 Corinthians 15:33 is a well-know scripture that plainly states the effects of bad company. "Bad company corrupts good character"
This is why the bible constantly warns us about the people we allow into our lives because God knows how damaging the wrong people can be.
A good example of the consequences of bad company is the Israelites. God brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt to a promised land called Canaan which offered freedom and overflowed with milk and honey.
At the time, Canaan was inhabited by people who worshipped false idols and practiced ungodly rituals. The Israelites battled these people to reclaim ownership of the land.
Before entering this land, the Israelites were warned not to intermingle or intermarry with the remaining survivors of the battle (Joshua 23:11-16) This was because God knew that these survivors were people who did not worship Him and promoted ungodly sins.
Unfortunately the Israelites did not listen and surrounded themselves with these people. This led to the Israelites overtime worshipping false gods and turning away from the Lord. They ended up being forced away from their home later on as a consequence.
From this example, we can see how detrimental the wrong people can be with our walk with Christ. On the other hand, the right people can be astronomically beneficial and encouraging to our relationship with God.
1. Godly Advice- The type of advice someone in our life gives us can be a clear indication of whether they are good company. For example, let's say you go to a friend for advice on how to handle a recent breakup. Bad company may encourage you to go out to the club and seek a one night stand to get over your ex. Good company may send you a bible reading plan to do together or invite you over for an impromptu bible study. One piece of advice leads to sin and destruction while the other leads to growth and intimacy with God. It is important to make sure you are in good company especially in vulnerable moments where you are more easily influenced. Acts 1:14
2. Prayer Over Gossip- Another great way to discern between good and bad company is observing how someone handles what you tell them in confidence. Bad company tends to talk about you to others, gossip, and/or spread rumors. Good company will take what you have trusted them with and go to God. They will constantly be in prayer over your struggles. Good company makes it a point to go to God about your needs because of how much they care about you. The Bible talks about how powerful the prayer of more than one is. Having others in your corner that are willing to spiritually fight with you is the definition of good company. Acts 4:24
Discerning the type of company you have around you is key to a healthy walk with Christ. Those that surround us are very influential. Learn from the Israelites and avoiding bad company so you do not have to suffer the consequences. Let God send you people who will pray over you and push you closer to HIm. Get rid of those who don't!!!
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Thanks be to God 🙏🏾 I will join tomorrow tomorrow the live TikTox. Stay blessed and highly favored
Bev Llewellyn
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